Math, Stats & Quantitative Sources and Ideas for Learning

SESSION 1:   10:45 am – 11:45 am          Room 1.109

ePortfolio for Quantitative and Visual Literacies

Presenters:   Daniel Auld, Jessica Stevens, Wynne Ferdinand

ePortfolios afford instructors and students the opportunity to effectively incorporate multimedia into course content across all disciplines. When students incorporate images, data, videos or multimedia content into a project, they use quantitative and visual literacies to interpret and synthesize the information they have collected. In this interactive workshop, we will explore definitions for quantitative and visual literacies, identify the benefits of developing skills related to these domains, and examine potential applications of these skills in varied learning contexts. Participants will analyze media from student and course ePortfolios at John Jay College to identify assignments and ePortfolio tools that support ongoing development of students’ quantitative and visual literacies.


SESSION 2:   1:00 pm – 2:00 pm          Room 1.94

Integrating Statistics into Liberal Arts Courses Using Web-Based Sources

Presenters:   Sandra Swenson, Dante Tawfeeq

Statistics is a part of our everyday lives, but many students shy away from tackling statistics unless it is in a required course that they need to graduate, and then it may be difficult for students to transfer knowledge from a statistics course to another liberal arts course as the application of one may not be relevant to the other. In this workshop we’ll look at ways to use student collected data and real-time, or near real-time data taken from the World Wide Web to create graphs for data analysis and interpretation in the classroom. We’ll also examine scaffolding strategies to build case studies to contextualize the data so that students may ask questions pertinent to their lives.


SESSION 3:   2:15 pm – 3:15 pm          Room 1.109

What’s Math Got to Do with It? A Social Justice Approach to Learning Communities

Presenters:   Erica King-Toler, Mark Francis

This presentation will share with participants strategies and techniques used in a specialized learning community designed to examine the links between social justice, education, and mastery of mathematics. For some of today’s college students, the study of mathematics can create a perceived barrier to academic success. Students find it challenging to identify the connections between the study of mathematics and its applicability to “real world” social justice and educational problems that impact their overall well-being, mental and physical health, and socioeconomic status. Our learning community created to link the seemingly unrelated disciplines of social justice, education and mathematics helped students increase their individual, social and global awareness as well as their math proficiency.  This panel will help participants consider how learning communities can improve student persistence, performance, and engagement.