Supporting the Whole Student

SESSION 1:   10:45 am – 11:45 am          Room 1.105

Managing Students in Distress: Help I Didn’t Sign Up for This Job!

Presenter:   Gerard Bryant

Much more so than was the case with previous generations, students are arriving on our college campuses today with a lot of emotional and psychological baggage, which may manifest itself in disruptive classroom behavior and obviously affects their potential for success . It is imperative that everyone in the campus community know how to effectively recognize, and respond to, the needs of these students – not only for their benefit, but for the sake of the institution as a whole and society in general. Participants will also be able to learn how to differentiate between emotional issues and mental illness; identify basic symptoms associated with anxiety and adjustment disorders, depression, eating disorders, substance abuse, antisocial behavior, and other conditions common among the college population; how to recognize the warning signs that a student may become violent, how to respond appropriately, if necessary, and the role of the ‘Behavioral Intervention Team” in dealing with students who are behaving erratically.


SESSION 2:   1:00 pm – 2:00 pm          Room 1.105

Supporting A Survivor

Presenters:   Jeenie Yoon, Staff at the NYC Alliance Against Sexual Assault

The statistics are harrowing—1 in 4 college-aged women will have experienced an attempted or completed sexual assault by the time they graduate from college. With numbers like this, you will almost undoubtedly work with a student who is a survivor of sexual violence. Many of us form bonds and relationships with our students. When we consider this plus the fact that survivors/victims of assault are most likely to disclose to someone they feel close to, there is a decent chance that at some point you may receive a disclosure of sexual violence. This workshop will examine the best, trauma-informed ways on how to support a student. It will cover basic “dos and don’ts” as well as provide resources for you to give to your students. This workshop is ideal for all responsible employees, including Deans, Administrators, Staff Members, Faculty Members, RAs, RDs, Student Affairs Leaders, and so on.


SESSION 3:   2:15 pm – 3:15 pm          Room 1.105

Supporting Undocumented Immigrant Students and Families at John Jay

Presenters:   Isabel Martinez, Nancy Yang

We have approximately 300 undocumented students and an indeterminate amount of students from mixed status families at John Jay. Especially in the past few months, these students have been particularly vulnerable to external actions that threaten their learning and success and John Jay. This session will provide information about what the College is doing as well as additional strategies and resources so that faculty are informed and can assist students in these categories.