Fall 2020 Program


Faculty Development Day 2020


Welcome, Announcements, Connections

During this time, we will officially welcome you to our first virtual FDD and make announcements regarding your FDD experience. A special feature will be the opportunity to participate in 5 minute 3-person breakout sessions. If you choose to participate, you will be randomly assigned to a breakout room and have 5 minutes to meet someone new or reconnect with familiar faces. It’s a great way to start the day!

Zoom link:


Session 1

Effective Responses for Traumatized Minds: Resilient Strategies for Attentive Learning (workshop)
Track: Resilient by Design: Student-Centered Teaching and Learning

Last year, 9 faculty representing 9 departments participated in the Practical Teaching for Resilient Learning seminar, which encompassed the beginning of the pandemic and the shift to remote teaching and learning. In this workshop, seminar graduates will guide their peers in understanding the effects of trauma on the learning mind and offer practice in resilient strategies to help focus distracted attention and difficulties in completing tasks for students experiencing a variety of trauma and crisis challenges.

Facilitators: Delmar Dualeh, Belinda Rincón, Leah Entenmann, Joel Freiser, Mahathi Kosuri
Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMlf–hrzwsEtIXW-059TylYwxfb6i4et5M 


Improving Faculty Wellbeing: Acting upon the COACHE survey results 
Track: From Resolutions to Resilience:Faculty Communities

The COACHE Working Group (WG) will present salient findings from follow-up on the 2019 JJ COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey results, and a brief progress report on what the College and CUNY are doing to enhance Faculty wellbeing.  The WG has begun crafting preliminary recommendations based on what was learned through the data and subsequent conversations with faculty, including in the areas of diversity in hiring/retention of faculty and issues of intersectionality on campus, as well as ways to enhance faculty satisfaction overall.  Come have your voice heard in this process.  Participants will learn about the COACHE survey results and progress to date in response. Participants will also have an opportunity to generate recommendations for improvement, give feedback on preliminary committee recommendations, and contribute to proposals for ways to enhance faculty wellbeing at the College.

Facilitators: Angela Crossman, Alvin Estrada, Amy Green, Muath Obaidat, Matthew Perry, Judy-Lynne Peters, Henry Smart, Allison Pease
Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcqd-mqqz8qG9EQgrIfZNTOQEMi8xm4gRMa


Racial Microaggressions in John Jay Classrooms: Undergraduate Research and Social Impact (panel)
Track: Effective Attention: What Our Students Need Us to Know

Student researchers from the Critical Interdisciplinary Studies Research Group will present on the emergence of their group and their project examining racial microaggressions in the classrooms at John Jay. The group’s work was recognized by the Presidential Faculty-Student Collaborative Research grant, and presents an innovative and replicable model of collaboration between faculty and undergraduates interested in scholarly research concerned with questions of social justice. The group came together at the students’ initiative, and the mentors helped to transform students’ personal concerns about their classroom experience into a research project about the commonality of racial microaggressions. Students will discuss, with some comments from the group mentors Domínguez and Jokić, the shared experience of learning about how to define a research project and develop appropriate research methods in the humanities and social sciences, and about the relevance of projects such as these for the transformation of the practice of higher education at all levels.

Facilitators: Olivera Jokic, Giazú Enciso Domínguez, Students from the Critical Interdisciplinary Research Group
Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/99397652847?pwd=Qi80dTNuYTBmazNISTJwOURnaDRnQT09



Climate Justice & Environmental Justice Across the Curriculum through Project-Based Learning (panel)
Track: Teaching for Change: Social Justice through Pedagogies and the Curriculum

Project-Based Learning (PjBL) is a question-driven pedagogical approach that asks students to engage in real-lifeproblems and projects that require both independent effort and teamwork. Instructors present students with a complex ‘wicked’ problem to address that has many uncertainties and no one correct solution. Students investigate these problems, define goals, and build critical extensive and practical knowledge bases under the instructor’s guidance. Active PjBL results in deeper learning and longer retention. Climate & Environmental Justice are especially suited for student centered PjBL across the curriculum with many dimensions, and uncertain sectoral impacts, e.g. land cover, water,migration, environmental racism, conflict, economy, governance and security with many uncertainties. John Jay faculty from many disciplines (e.g. Anthropology, Africana Studies, Conflict Studies, Economics, Philosophy, Environmental Justice, Political Science, Sociology and Science) participating present their experiences and knowledge gained from a year long Teaching and Learning Center seminar from design to implementation in person and online.

Facilitators: Paul Bartlett, Luis Matias Barajas Saldaña, Sergio Gallegos Ordorica, Crystal Endsley, Skye Roper Moses, Maria Victoria Pérez-Ríos, Marta-Laura Suska
Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/92463095357?pwd=MUJyWTJiREtGQ2ZJM1pOMG1ub1VEQT09


Slack: Fostering a Student-Centric Academic Community (panel)
Track: Increasing Capacities: Resources, Tools, and Policies that Strengthen Practice

This session explores the benefits of forming a student-centric academic community within the Slack communications platform. The panel with explore best practices for success and methods to ensure student driven. Faculty, staff, students and alumni will share their experiences.

Facilitators: Adam Scott Wandt, John Schriner, Marta Orlowska, Samiha Riham
Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/92905147239?pwd=WFIybmR3SlNhVDRLNzg4ak5iK2V5Zz09


Session 2


Creating a Coach-Like Environment: A Toolkit to Support Faculty, Staff, and Student Engagement and Wellbeing (workshop)
Track: Resilient by Design: Student-Centered Teaching and Learning

As educators we are required to wear many hats. All these roles require us to engage with others in a deep and meaningful way. This can be challenging and sometimes exhausting. Coaching is a toolkit that provides us with new skills that can support us personally and professionally. In this workshop, you will be introduced to the concept of coaching and its many applications within your role as an educator. More specifically, you will learn:

  • How to use skillful questioning designed to develop critical thinking, increase understanding of different perspectives and improve problem solving.
  • Tools and skills to support self-reflection and self-evaluation based on improved self-awareness
  • A range of communication skills designed to identify and develop the potential of self and others
Facilitator: Stephanie Simpson
Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0kf-GprzstH9DPs9dPQ3UWOtshO3ue9HzP


All Hands Online: Building a College-wide Community of Practice in Online Teaching and Learning (panel)
Track: From Resolutions to Resilience: Faculty Communities

This past summer, nearly 340 faculty at John Jay participated in a 3-week workshop designed to guide instructors through basic principles and best practices in online teaching and learning. The Effective Practices in Online Teaching (EPOT) workshop was designed and supported by the Department of Online Education and Support (DOES) and the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) with the able assistance of four seasoned online faculty facilitators. As a response to the “call to action” of CUNY’s Executive Vice Chancellor José Cruz and as an alternative to the CUNY School for Professional Studies (SPS) Online Teaching Essentials (OTE) workshop, the EPOT course featured a focus on the specific needs of John Jay faculty and their courses. In this session, join us to learn how the College worked to build faculty capacity for designing quality online learning experiences that translate to increased student success. Our panel, including the workshop designers and the faculty who facilitated the workshop for their colleagues, will share the inner workings of the Effective Practices in Online Teaching workshop sessions that were offered May-August, with insights into its benefits, challenges, and outcomes. The panel will take questions and encourage EPOT participants to add their perceptions.

Facilitators: Judy Cahn, Holly Davenport, Al Coppola, Elizabeth Jeglic, Gohar Petrossian, Yuliya Zabyelina
Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/91635712301?pwd=YjBGa2dzZ1pZYnhHYUhkZFk0cDdtUT09


“What Should a Professor Do When a Student Discloses a Sexual Assault?” (training)
Track: Effective Attention: What Our Students Need Us to Know

Do you know what to say to a student who discloses a sexual assault to you? Have you heard about the recent changes to Title IX (and NY State’s lawsuit against the DOE because of them)? Do you want to learn how to put into practice what you learned in the required online module for faculty? This is a “how to” training that will answer questions like,”What should I say? What resources am I supposed to share? What if the student says it was another student or JJ employee who assaulted them: who am I supposed to tell- am I supposed to tell anyone?! How can I be sure I’m centering the student’s needs and respecting confidentiality? What if I think- or know- they are undocumented?” This training helps Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) faculty develop skills to assist a student who discloses an experience of sexual assault or rape. Best practices materials will be shared afterward with participants. The training leaders are Denise Vivar, Interim Specialist, Immigrant Student Success Center, and Crystal Jackson, Associate Professor. Join us to support sexual assault survivors’ right to an education!

Facilitators: Crystal Jackson and Denise Vivar
Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/98442980796?pwd=dkNsazE5VjkvRU15TXBxL2ZXb1Z3UT09


Developing Fierce Advocates: Cultivating Student Conversations about Justice in Gen Ed  (panel)
Track: Teaching for Change: Social Justice through Pedagogies and the Curriculum

How might the general education curriculum be reorganized and reimagined so that students engage in sustained inquiry into critical issues of justice while they prepare for subsequent coursework? Join a conversation with faculty and students to consider the possibilities for a general education curriculum in which students actively participate in a sustained, multi-course exploration of critical issues such as racial justice, civil rights, criminal justice reform, education access and success, immigration, or environmental sustainability. Participants will share perspectives on the pedagogies that center learners and envision what the student experience of a successful critical issues curriculum in Gen Ed might generate.

Facilitator: Wynne Ferdinand
Panelists: Andrea Balis, Crystal Endsley, Sergio Gallegos Ordorica, DeCarlos Hines,  Robert Kim, Tayvhon Pierce.


Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/92711383739?pwd=dXdUYzFuRWc0YjV1K04wU09xY05tZz09


The Library is Open 24/7: The One Stop Online Service for Finding Academic Resources and Tools during the Pandemic and Beyond (training)
Track: Increasing Capacities: Resources, Tools, and Policies that Strengthen Practice

As the COVID-19 pandemic demanded that everyone transition to a distance learning environment overnight, the Lloyd Sealy Library continued to provide 24/7 electronic access to the vast majority of its collections and services. This workshop will cover best practices for accessing the libraries online collections and services. Topics will include how to use OneSearch, CUNYs updated discovery tool to access all types of library resources, when and how to use the library’s specialized databases for research, and how to incorporate CREDO Instruct into your curriculum to help students develop their information literacy skills.

Facilitators: Patrick Raftery, Maria Kiriakova, Maureen Richards
Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/3614522266


Break, Lunch, Connections

During this time, we encourage you to take a Zoom break and tend to your own needs. If you are missing our traditional FDD luncheon with table conversations as part of connecting with your faculty friends and connections, please consider joining either a pre-requested breakout “lunch table” (we’ve invited everyone to sign up via email) or a randomly assigned “lunch table.” We’ll set up half hour sessions for you to talk and share before the Collegewide Discussion.

Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIofuCppzsuGNGn7O2nSdH02fHxq4captTW


Collegewide Discussion


Working Towards Inclusivity: Let’s Start with the Syllabus! (panel)

Today’s college wide discussion will feature highlights from workshop participants involved in this innovative TLC initiative including a discussion of their challenges as well as their triumphs. Workshop participants also consider the true meaning of inclusivity in the face of  COVID-19, mounting demands for racial justice reform, the digital divide, student access to learning and much more. This conversation is intended to be interactive and asks faculty to consider the lived experiences of their diverse students, examine their own assumptions about race and accessibility to education and resources, and consider new ways of making courses more accessible and inclusive for all students whether in the classroom or on a digital platform.

Faculty who participated in a year long TLC workshop focused on the mechanics of building an inclusive syllabus. Workshop participants engaged with readings, guest speakers, and discussions to expand their core competency in order to create a student-centered inclusive syllabus across diverse content areas.

This workshop exposed faculty to a number of small changes that can initiate shifts towards improved connections with students and their peers that are reflected in the classroom environment and impact students’ overall performance and responsiveness to the faculty member and the course content.

Facilitators: Chavel Guzman, Christine Baerga, , Yelena Meytes, Erica King-Toler, Lissette Delgado-Cruzata, Kim Liao, Giazú Enciso Domínguez
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XvWzU3kuTFaGOmkzx8Uwfw



Session 3


The Pandemic and Student Experiences: Teaching and Learning Sustainability, Resilience, and Environmental Justice (panel)
Track: Resilient by Design: Student-Centered Teaching and Learning

This presentation provides examples of how faculty can introduce Environmental Justice, Sustainability, and Resilience* across the curriculum to enrich and broaden student pandemic experiences and begin to envision systemic solutions in the courses’ discipline for a pandemic resilient, sustainable, and just future. This illustrated presentation will include examples from student assignment artifacts (journals, midterm papers, class discussions, VoiceThreads, wikis, pre and post-class surveys, and other assignments) and insights contributed by  Environmental Justice program associated faculty from the Departments of Art & Music, Theatre, Economics, and others (via survey), Q & A, and facilitated discussion on lessons learned from the Spring 2020.Socio-ecosystem resilience science was founded in the 1970s in concert with indigenous and local place-based knowledge, which then gave birth to environmental and climate resilience as a systemic goal for communities and society.

Facilitators: Milena Popov, Paul Bartlett, Karen Malpede
Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvd–vqD8rGtzTG0UPK2Z4l5v75AHHRFY2


Transition in Discovery: Sharing Our Remote Successes, Challenges and Unanswered Questions (workshop)
Track: From Resolutions to Resilience: Faculty Communities

Let’s share what we learned: what surprised us (student chat function, yesss!), what disappointed (no more dramatic physical demonstrations), what worked (Zoom), what didn’t (Blackboard’s Ultra). We’ve been instructed, advised, and told how and what, let’s speak out and share our successes, challenges and unanswered questions with one another. This session will be an open discussion among the session attendees for the purpose of sharing instructional experiences during the transition from in-person to remote learning. Rob Hollander (Anthropology) will be your discussion facilitator. Attendees will also have an opportunity to suggest ideas on how the college could enhance remote instruction or assist instructors and students.

Facilitator: Rob Hollander, Ph.D.
Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/3614522266


Student Conduct and Discipline in a Remote Learning Environment (presentation)
Track: Effective Attention: What Our Students Need Us to Know

In this session, the College’s Student Conduct Office will cover classroom management techniques for online classes, in the event that the university opts for a fully or partially remote learning model for Fall 2020. Remote learning platforms such as Blackboard and Zoom present unique challenges for maintaining community standards and holding students accountable for misconduct. Some examples the Conduct Office handled in the Spring 2020 remote semester include students not following instructors’ guidelines for confirming attendance and participation in class sessions; students sharing personal/private/inappropriate information about themselves or their classmates in online discussions and chatrooms; and “Zoom bombing” and other types of intrusions by hackers or trolls into video conference calls.  We will discuss communicating appropriate “netiquette” to students; behavioral expectations in an online environment; and procedures for reporting suspected incidents of misconduct.

Facilitators: Rachel Brown, Danielle Officer
Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvcuuqrzgpHtyu78FVY-eoEZnSC9Rjnkne


How to Liberate the Classroom! Realizing Virtual Social Justice Pedagogies (workshop)
Track: Teaching for Change: Social Justice through Pedagogies and the Curriculum
.To share with colleagues about how to distinguish between social justice and oppressive pedagogy, through Pedagogue Paulo Freire’s concepts of liberatory/problem posing and banking systems of education. We need to confront the history of colonization, slavery and overall oppression we perpetuate in our syllabi and teaching modalities to be truly fierce advocates for justice. Our workshop gives us the opportunity to understand how our classrooms are currently feeding oppressive systems and how we can transform our learning environments into liberatory spaces. The workshop will consist of a brainstorm about the difference between oppressive and liberatory education, followed by a close read of Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire, then small group work identifying new strategies, examples of models, and time for questions about applying these examples to our specific disciplines. The learning outcomes are for the participants to have a starting point for how education can be oppressive, and how to transform classrooms into liberatory spaces. We will co-create a list of social justice pedagogical activities and modalities and share from our own experience as social justice pedagogues
Facilitators: Dr. Nina Rose Fischer and Dr. Giazú Enciso Dominguez
Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/92697488886?pwd=M3ZIamJ1a0pMeTQwZmxacHQ0b2h1dz09


Respecting Copyright Through Remote and In-Person Learning (training)
Track: Increasing Capacities: Resources, Tools, and Policies that Strengthen Practice

For many reasons, there is a temptation when teaching through remote or in-person learning to, for example, scan a chapter and post a PDF, provide an unlicensed YouTube link of someone’s music or lecture; or use a monetized photograph in an unlicensed manner. These can seem like small things, and we want to provide cheap or free materials to students, but copyright and licensing are legal and moral issues that provide the basis for creators of all kinds to control and monetize their work. There is a movement afoot, and it is prominent in academic circles, to weaken copyright, and we even have a tendency to ignore it. Ironically, academics and academic presses take copyright of their own work quite seriously. This workshop examines: the history of copyright law; issues of copyright and licensing while providing remote and in-person learning; intellectual property issues within academia; and controversial issues surrounding Open Education Resources (OER), Zero Cost courses, and the movement against textbooks.

Workshop participants will gain a broader understanding of:

  1. Copyright law and its history
  2. The ramifications of ignoring copyright for creators and users
  3. Intellectual property issues within academia, including legislation and academic integrity in scholarship
  4. Intellectual property issues surrounding OER and Zero Cost courses
Facilitator: Benjamin Bierman
Zoom link: https://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/97690196667?pwd=SXhFSFJiS1FPQmpKd01hS1ZJVVdxQT09



Thanks for joining us! Please remember to share your feedback on the FDD survey

(available on August 25 after FDD).